IUM Interactive

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tirsdag, december 16, 2008

Virale hits i 2008 #3: Kobe Bryant jumps over an Aston Martin

Dagens virale film er Nike's film med LA Laker's Kobe Bryant, der tilsyneladende hopper over en Aston Martin.

Brand: Nike
Creative: N/A
Average views / day: 37,681
Total views: 8,553,382

Argumentation fra Goviral:

The content of the video is great, because it just on the verge of unbelievable, but not crossing the line. Did Kobe Bryant actually jump over the car? Nike managed to generate more than 7,5 mio. of the Sviews over the first running weeks of the campaign, just on Youtube. More than 1,5 mio. additional views came from spoof videos or responses to the campaign, discussing the answer to those questions. Several of the spoof videos link to the original ones, creating a more vibrant user experience as well as better results for the campaign. Whether or not the Nike Hyperdunk shoe actually makes you jump higher or not, Nike definitely succeeded in bringing something new to the table. Bryant’s own popularity, however, does probably not hurt either. Although Bryant finishes the clip by insisting people not to try the stunt at home, it’s probably clever not to feature Nike’s motto: “Just do it” in this specific clip.

Tilbage er så spørgsmålet...springer Kobe virkelig over bilen? Nedenstående film "Kobe Exposed" af DoTheMath115 er et meget godt bud på sandheden...men døm selv (-:

Af: Christian Strand

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