IUM Interactive

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mandag, januar 19, 2009

Virale hits i 2008 #8: Samsung Omnia i900 Unboxing

En ny uge truer og det gør film nummer 8 i vores 2008 virale hitparade også. Vi er nået til Samsungs lanceringsfilm for deres Omnia i900 smartphone...og her spilles der rigtig på at vi skal være i tvivl om hvad der er sandt og hvad der er virkelighed. Det er godt lavet, men så er det altså heller ikke sværere at regne ud...

Brand: Samsung
Creative: The Viral Factory
Average views / day: 21,465
Total views: 2,082,054

Argumentation fra Goviral:

Every now and then you come across something you have never seen the likes of before. That is the best way to describe this viral. The ‘real life’ quality of the acting, gives this clip a more genuine viral approach in connecting with its target audience. The “unboxing” genre is a trend where fans and bloggers record themselves opening their new gadget for the first time. The great thing about this clip is that it’s a spoof to the often anticlimactic “unboxing” genre. This clips spin is the parade of a miniature marching band and baton-twirling ladies who springs forth from the high-tech box and it all led to an unveiling of Samsung’s new Omnia i900 cell phone. This is truly a great production and a great twist to the usual unboxing video

Af: Christian Strand

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torsdag, januar 08, 2009

Virale hits i 2008 #7: Bean Counter

Dagens virale film er blot én i rækken af de mange film Apple og Microsoft har brugt i kampen mod hinanden de sidste mange år - én kamp der startede med PC vs. Mac men som de seneste år har bevæget sig til i høj grad også at omhandle iPod vs. Zune og de 2 virksomheders image generelt. Fælles for alle filmene er at de bruger rigtig meget krudt på at snakke dårligt om konkurrenten og ikke så meget energi på at fortælle om egne fordele. Godt nok med et glimt i øjet, men budskabet er meget meget tydeligt.

Brand: Apple Macintosh
Creative: TBWA/Media Arts Lab
Average views / day: 23,451
Total views: 820,662

Argumentation fra Goviral:

The classic battle between Microsoft and Apple Macintosh is brought up in this very amusing clip. Microsoft’s latest operating system – Vista - has, as you may already know, had quite a few bugs after release. There are no special effects, no epic music and no disco lights in this one. It is strictly a really good piece of content, because people can relate to the message. The point of the clip, whether Microsoft should decrease their ad spend on Vista and increase their bug-fixing budget, is something most users can find relevant to discuss, since they are the ones eventually paying for the ads. If Mac really has a much lower ad spend is probably not a part of this discussion.

Microsofts og Apples indbyrdes kamp er dog noget som verden følger med i...måske mest i USA...men alligevel. Nedenfor et eksempel på hvordan rivaliseringen ligefrem har resulteret i at en fan af serien South Park har lavet sin egen spinoff på den huserende krig men med figurer fra South Park. Mon ikke både Microsoft og Apple i virkeligheden vinder ved den megen opmærksomhed? Enjoy.

Af: Christian Strand

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mandag, januar 05, 2009

Virale hits i 2008 #6: Tiger Woods 09 – Walk on Water

Så er det blevet hverdag igen og et nyt år truer og alt det der. Det betyder også at vi over de næste dage præsenterer de sidste 5 af de 10 mest populære virale film i 2008.

Dagens film er Electronic Arts (EA) meget selvironiske film hvor der gøres grin med en fejl i kodningen af Tiger Woods spilserien - en fejl der gør at Tiger Woods i spillene kan gå på vandet. EA konfronterer i filmen fejlen på en meget humoristisk måde og det er efter vores mening den helt rigtige måde for et brand at angribe egne produktfejl her web 2.0-alderen. Men døm selv...

Brand: Electronic Arts
Creative: Wieden + Kennedy
Average views / day: 26,568
Total views: 2,550,394

Argumentation fra Goviral:

Game trailers usually turn out to be very popular as there is a huge community of active and engaged gamers online and this is no exception. This game trailer for the golf game PGA Tour ‘09 is a video response to a YouTube video, posted by a fan last year. The fan named a particular scene in the game “The Jesus Shot”, and EA’s response is that it was no coincidence and demonstrates that Tiger Woods is just that good. Being the second movie from Wieden + Kennedy and EA on this list, it could be argued that with enough money, you can buy everything. The answer is most likely more related to these companies unique understanding of their target group and ability to actually create something with a true relevance to them.

Af: Christian Strand

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